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Bart Foreman

Founder & Executive Strategist & Chief Magician

The Marketing Challenges Never End When You Are Working with The Best-in-Breed.
  • Wella/Sebastian - First beauty industry electronic loyalty program
  • Goldwell/KMS - First online rewards redemption system
  • Keratin Complex - Refined One-to-One content messaging
  • CosmoProf Beauty Stores - First automated direct marketing
                                                              email system
  • Fantastic Sams Hair Salons - First direct marketing loyalty
                                                                 program in value priced salons
  • Close Mentor - First direct marketing loyalty program in resale
                                     women's clothing segment

I view marketing as a grand experiment. There are no long-term solutions to any marketing plan. That's why I continually suggest that all marketing plans should be written in pencil. I formed EndGame Marketing Solutions (EGMS) with four thoughts in mind.

  • Most marketers are not ready for the challenges they are facing.

  • Most marketers fear change.

  • Most marketers don't understand magic. Marketing magic.

  • Most marketers need both analytical and creative support to reach their end games.


As an Executive Strategist and chief magician, I will ask the tough questions and challenge everything. Then, I'll assist your team in developing a plan to fill your marketing gaps. When needed, I'll engage our teaming partners to use their marketing powers. Otherwise, we'll use your resources.

Having an Economics and Political Science degree from the University of Michigan and an MBA in Marketing and Marketing Research from DePaul University pales the 45+ years of sales and marketing experience I have molded into EGMS. That's old news. The problem with looking back is you can't see what's ahead. EGMS is focused on your future.

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We have friends in all the right places

Beware of agencies that claim they can do it all. Maybe they can, but you'll be paying for a lot of overhead that may not be needed to grow your business. I believe in teaming partners that bring specific expertise to address your marketing gaps, with a focus on Relationship Marketing and Loyalty Marketing strategies.


You get best-in-breed service at the best possible cost.

Wayzata, MN

Fuzzy Duck

Eddie Ulrich and his team of Fuzzy Ducks bring a wide variety of marketing services to the EGMS deliverables - the most valuable being website design from content to execution. But we won't forget the creative energy they add to each assignment, because what we say is just as important as how we say it.

Los Angeles, CA and Minneapolis, MN

Bruni Media

A digital and traditional agency. They are strong in social media, email marketing, machine learning and artificial intellegence.

Lynbrook, NY

C. P. Looks

Cathy Pedulla, founder and CEO of C.P. Looks, has developed her expertise as a top business strategist and brand builder for a variety of professional beauty industry leaders over the last 30 years. Her branding expertise, passion, and knowledge of industry trends are unparalleled.

Falls Agency

Minneapolis, MN

A traditional advertising agency with a seasoned approach to building stories across multiple channels. Their creative is edgy but not over the top. They have a unique set of PR skills too often overlooked by other agencies.

Romain Berg

Minneapolis, MN

A digital agency that focuses on bottom-line results and not hype. They specialize in developing SEO campaigns to help drive more website traffic and interactions. This team is the best in maximizing website efficiency.


Minneapolis, MN

A Native American owned printer that bridges traditional printing and digital channels to deliver the right solutions for your marketing initiatives. Bart has worked with Visions for almost 20 years.

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